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The RhinoMini Uses Milk Crates to Store Lots of Stuff!

When we designed the RhinoMini Shelf, we had the standard milk crate in mind when we chose the shelf dimensions.  Shown here is a 4' RhinoMini with four milk crates stacked on it. Here are the dimensions of the 4-ft Mini Shelf section: The standard milk crate is about 18 5/8" long, 12 7/8" wide and 11 inches high.  Even if you've "snugged" your Mini directly underneath another Rhino Shelf (the Rhino Combo!), you will have at least 12" inches clearance between the shelf and the top bracket, and you can fit three wide on each shelf section.  If you have at least 22" clearance above the shelf, you can fit the milk crates two high. Milk crates are available...

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De-Clutter and Get Your Garage Back!

Keep Calm and Get Organized. Clear out, de-clutter, and let us help you get your garage (and some peace) back in your life! Clutter and disorganization clearly causes stress. Organize your possessions and save time and irritation when you need to use them. When it comes to the garage, barn, warehouse, and tool shop, we've got you covered. For more tips on how to organize your home, take a look at this great article that we found! Storage Solutions for your Home that you May Not Have Known We've found some great tips to help you conquer the clutter. These ideas are a great compliment to Rhino Shelf Kits because they help organize the living area of your home while...

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